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  • Mastering Live Chat: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Customer Service on Your Website | Greechat

    How To Set Up A Live Chat Customer Service For Your Website

    Image by Antoni Shkraba from Pexels

    In the old days, the customer support team always has to be available to deal with the most urgent customer queries. But now, customers can expect a more personalised service. With the rapid growth in e-commerce, it’s important for businesses to have a live chat for customer service features on their website. 

    By having a live chat option on your website, you can enable customers to get instant answers to their questions and queries by talking directly to your customer support staff via an integrated platform. This will not only make them happy but also help increase sales as they can make purchases without any hassle. Here’s how to get one for your business website: 

    Why should you use live chat?

    Live chat is a great way to build customer relationships; it allows you to offer customer service 24/7, which means that your customers can always get in touch with you when they need help. This will help you build trust with them and increase the likelihood that they’ll buy from you again in the future.

    Additionally, live chat for support allows you to have real-time conversations with your customers about their needs and wants for your products or services. This allows for more personalised communication than automated bots and emails. 

    It also gives sales reps an opportunity to answer questions about their products before someone commits money towards purchasing something – so customers who were maybe unsure of whether they want something or not can get answers before making a purchase decision!

    Live chat for support can also be used as part of a sales strategy. It allows you to close more deals, offer promotions and discounts that only last for a limited time, or even just give people an incentive to purchase from your company instead of someone else’s.

    How can you build a live chat support system?

    Step 1. Choose a chat software. 

    There are many different types of chat software, so you’ll want to be sure that the one you choose works with your website and can be installed easily. Ideally, it will also come with an easy-to-use interface for your customers and staff alike.

    Step 2. Install the software on your website. 

    Once you’ve chosen a good chat software, simply install it by following the instructions provided by its manufacturer (or hire someone who knows about this stuff to do it for you). You don’t necessarily need any advanced technical skills here – just follow the directions. 

    Step 3. Set up a live chat room on your site or hire a third-party service provider. 

    Once the program is installed, set up space in your office for your agents, who will be answering the chats. It’s also important that this area is kept separate from other parts of your site; if possible, avoid putting customer service representatives behind glass windows. If you don’t have the resources to house your own chat team, hire a provider who already has their own team instead. 

    Choosing the right live chat software provider

    When choosing a live chat software provider, you should look for one that offers:

    Easy-to-use features and integrations. 

    You don’t want to spend hours training your staff on how to use the system or pay an IT professional to set up the software for you.

    Affordable pricing with no hidden fees or costs. 

    Many companies offer ‘free’ trials with limited features, only to charge clients hefty monthly fees later. Look for companies that give you everything they promise at no cost upfront.


    Your customers will not be happy if they can never get in touch with someone (and neither will you in the long run). Look for providers who have many satisfied customers already using their services, so it’s likely yours will work great too.

    Human-based chat service instead of chatbots. 

    A chatbot is good for answering common questions and directing customers to the right place in your services. Human beings are better at dealing with more complex issues because they can fully understand what’s going on and guide people through their problems without giving them canned responses. 

    That means your clients will receive better service when working with a provider who has a human-centric approach because your customers can feel more valued.

    There are several great reasons to offer live chat customer service.

    If you’re considering adding a live chat option to your website or app, there are several great reasons to do so.

    Live chat is a great way to show you care about your customers, which can help build trust and loyalty. By actively listening to their concerns, offering solutions that address their problems, and treating them with respect throughout the conversation, you’ll be able to position yourself as an authority figure who cares about the quality of service they receive from your company.

    It will also help increase customer satisfaction. Customers who use live chat will be more satisfied with their experience because they didn’t have to wait on hold for long periods of time before speaking with someone (or having their issue resolved). This translates into happier customers, which can lead to actual sales. 

    Live chat customer service is a cost-effective and convenient way to offer your customers an instant response to their questions and concerns. It can also help you stand out from your competition by building trust between you and your customers through real-time interactions. 

    At Greechat, we help businesses by engaging visitors, converting them to customers and having them keep coming back, thanks to our 24/7 professional sales team.